Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are You Seeing What Other People See !

In the presentation he is basically explaining to the viewers that nothing is what it seems. Most of our knowledge is given to use by the media or learned throughout our lifetime from society. What should we believe about the colours we see. As a child we are taught the names of different colours but does every ones mind recognize the same colour or just the same name ? Racism is based mainly on the colour of a persons skin, and good and evil are distinguished by colours. If we didn't identify colour, would there still be racism or would everyone be accepted? Nobody knows what we are really seeing, touching, feeling , hearing or tasting. We are only told to know about them though family, friends and society.If there was no colour what would we judge people on?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dreams Take Us On Journeys

Where would we be if we didn't have dreams ? Everyone has dreams whether they remember them or not. Many dreams I have had, have taken me on a journey, weather it has been a sad or happy dream. A dream I have experienced all started when my friends from Canada were living my lifestyle in England. It was odd. When I awoke I was very confused but also happy that the dream was not real. Since I have moved from England there are days when my reality seems like a dream and I dream about being back in England. After repeatedly dreaming of living in England with my friends from Canada I am no longer confused. I now know that it is a better lifestyle here with my friends than living in the big city in England. If not for the journey this dream took me on , I might still be hesitant about my move to Canada.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Journal #1 "Candy" by Kevin Brooks

I am very much enjoying my novel, Candy, by Kevin Brooks. Through out the book I have found many situations I can connect to, mainly because I am the same age as the main characters. Even Iggy ,who is portrayed as a bully reminds me of people I have encountered often throughout high school. One of the main questions I am eager to find out is about Candy's background and why she has become who and what she is. On page 102 Joe is eaves dropping on Candy as she is on the phone. He knows it is not a good conversation, " It wasn't nice to see. I turned away. Burying my head in the sand." I made a connection to this passage after my recent week spent away from school. Many times I forced myself to bury my head in the warm sand in Mexico, knowing I would have to come back and complete everything I had missed. Joe knows, like me , what is real but is choosing to ignore the truth. Eventually, like me, Joe will have to face the truth.

Friday, April 23, 2010

In the book ' Candy' by Kevin Brooks the main character Joe is falling in love with Candy but there is a difference in their behaviors. Candy had asked to go for a drink with Joe but Joe wants to go to the Zoo. This shows the different age and maturity levels. Later on in the book maturity changes and Joe wants to act older and Candy wants to act younger, the roles are reversed.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Being Passionate About Your Job!

I believe strongly it is important to be passionate about your job. If you are not passionate in your job, you have n0 motivation to put 100% effort into your job. spending a great deal of your life doing something you enjoy makes you feel like it is time well spent and proud. Not feeling passionate in your job pulls you down and makes life harder. An incredible lady that is passionate about her job is my mum. Tina (my mum ) had no problem starting her day with a few hours at work.Even though her career working at the hospital was not a teen ambition she is rewarded with the leadership that has resulted from being good at what she does.

With having great help from Heather Carter i have accomplished allot with the career i am planning to take. Being an interpreter for the blind comes with great passion and is over all an awarding job. i have already completed my second intervenor course where i had to travel to Vancouver every second week for 2 months. most of my sign language has come from working individually with john. After i have completed high school i will

Thursday, April 1, 2010

packing at canada safeway from take out chinese foods.

Have you ever purchased Chinese take out food from Safeway ?
The delicious bright green vegetables tossed in a sauce that glistens under the vibrant light. Combine these vegetables with the scarlet, polished sauce of the sweet and sour pork and visually you have a vivid rainbow that smells incredible. Have you ever stopped to think about the pure white packaging? After enjoying the mouth-watering meal in side your packaging where does the pure white packaging go? Did you know that Canada's safe way uses over 1,000,000 perfect white containers a day and consider the fact that not one of them is biodegradable or can be recycled. 1,000,000 perfect white containers a day stay on our planet in our land fills for generations to come. The next time you purchase these foods that look so pure and fresh think about the after effect and inform the company to make a change.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hardest decision of my life

I was only thirteen years old when i had to make the biggest decision of my life. I knew I had a choice to make ; either stay with my family in England or move to Canada, where I only had two family members that I wasn't very close with. It wasn't just a decision i could make in a day it took weeks, until i could get my head around the fact i didn't really have a choice. My mum, dad and sister were all going to Canada and living without them would be like losing a limb. I knew from the beginning when the words come out of mums mouth I would have to say my good byes to my friends and family and make a huge change in my life. The hardest thing about my decision was the tears that i watched full from my friends faces. As well as the hearts of my close family members that i knew were breaking inside. As much as they kept strong I knew all they wanted to do was break down and cry.