Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hardest decision of my life

I was only thirteen years old when i had to make the biggest decision of my life. I knew I had a choice to make ; either stay with my family in England or move to Canada, where I only had two family members that I wasn't very close with. It wasn't just a decision i could make in a day it took weeks, until i could get my head around the fact i didn't really have a choice. My mum, dad and sister were all going to Canada and living without them would be like losing a limb. I knew from the beginning when the words come out of mums mouth I would have to say my good byes to my friends and family and make a huge change in my life. The hardest thing about my decision was the tears that i watched full from my friends faces. As well as the hearts of my close family members that i knew were breaking inside. As much as they kept strong I knew all they wanted to do was break down and cry.

Top 3 countries to live in

If I could choose any three countries in the world to live they would be England, Spain and Canada. I feel very fortunate to have visited these amazing countries. Firstly my top country to live in would be England as I was born and raised there, as well as having most of my friends and all my family living there. I have had a great opportunity to travel all around England and experience the surroundings and culture. England would definitely be my top choice. Additionally Spain is an amazing enviorment to be in with lovely people surrounding you. The sparkling water reflecting of the sun as it hits my face to warm it, is a memory I will never forget. Also my nan and grandad have a condo on an Island called the canary Islands where tourists love to visit. There for I can travel and not have to pay for accommodation. As you walk out of the condo you are surrounded with shops where you can bargain and hustle people until they reach a price you are willing to pay. The pools and beaches are always packed full of people. It is an over whelming atmosphere that everyone should have a chance to experience. Finally, Canada; a country that has let my family be a part of it, where I have met new friends and gained trust with people I have only known for a few years. Canada has both hot and cold seasons where you can love the beaches, boat and the night life or if you are not a person for the beaches the winter is best for you. The snow is deep, fresh and sparkly. At Apex Ski Resort there are skills shown off by everyday people. Canada is an amazing place to live and raise your family because it is not crowded or overcome by poverty. Happiness is spend through every ones faces as they are very proud to be Canadian .Even though I have surrounded my self with different people opportunities, family always comes first.